
Archive for the ‘Party’ Category

NYE Party

January 6th, 2010 No comments

someone brought a stripper pole to the NYE party and after trying a few moves i realized i could never make a living at it…lol

it might have been a little easier if i didn’t have any pants on

Categories: Party Tags:


December 14th, 2009 No comments

i finished up my xmas shopping..woohoo! i like xmas shopping but i’m always relieved when i’m done, now i can kick back and enjoy the holidays.

as you can see by the pic, i didn’t waste any time getting started…lol

this is how i get after i’ve had a few chamborge margaritas at Z Tejas. they are by far the best margaritas in town. they’re so strong that they won’t serve you more than three. i’m good after two

i get really horny when i’m partying and we had some marathon sex after we got home.

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Hot Dog Party

December 6th, 2009 No comments

mmmm, i love a nice cold beer and a yummy hotdog. it was a little chilly last night so we all snuggled up to the firepit.

time flies when you’re having fun and it was 4am-ish when we left.

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Gone Country

November 30th, 2009 No comments

here i am getting some 2 step lessons from a cowboy friend.

this was my first time 2 step’n but he said i did a great job

this was a great opportunity to wear my new cowboy hat. question, if a girl is wearing the hat would it be called a “cowgirl” hat?

Categories: Party Tags:

Tongue and Cheek

November 23rd, 2009 No comments

things got way out of hand the other night while were were club hoping and the tongues were flying…lol

the funny part is that i didn’t know any of these people!

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My Weekend

November 9th, 2009 No comments

we started out our weekend by checking out a new restaurant called the Blue Martini. the tenderlion was amazing!

we had a quiet night at home on saturday but last night we went to a friends house and for some reason i decided to practice my bridge…lol

when i got home later that night i dressed up my two hot bitches…pepper doesn’t look to excited about her new dress but i think disco likes her cards jersey…

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Halloween Flare

October 26th, 2009 No comments

we got a nice little suprise when we arrived at our friend’s halloween party and saw tim “flippy” morris serving up the drinks!

he’s rated as the top flare bartender in the US…cool huh!

i wish we brought our video camera to catch the action but i found this video on youtube that shows him doing his thing…

Categories: Costume, Party Tags:

Busy Weekend

October 10th, 2009 No comments

when it rains it ours with me. either i have absolutely nothing to do or i have too much to do and have to prioritize activities…lol

the weekend started off with a b-day party for a good friend. the b-day boy got things backwards and spanked me instead. doesn’t he know how it works? or, maybe he does…haha!

i have family visiting from oregon so the next day we took them to the Heard Museum and got to see some really cool art!

later that night we met up with some friends in town from texas.  Erin Swallows and i snapped a quick pic together. Erin is a fellow camshow girl so check out her shows if you get a chance.  any girl with “swallows” in her name is worth watching…lol

she’ll be opening her site pretty soon so check in on her from time-to-time. i’ll feature her in my member’s are when her site is up

Categories: Casual, Party Tags:

Mogion Rim Camping

October 8th, 2009 No comments

it was beautiful up north the last few days while we were camping on the Mogion Rim. it was a little too cool for me but i loved seeing the pine trees and gorgeous scenery.

unfortunately we ran into a branch that flattened our tire but we still had a great time with alot of laughs!

Categories: Casual, Party Tags:


October 4th, 2009 No comments

we shared our new burger place the other night and before we knew it we were partying until the early morning.

when we got home i cuddled my little fury babies “disco and pepper”.

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